
A B C D E F G I L M O P R S T V W X Y 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values


A - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.OIConstants
Angle - Class in frc.robot.commands
Angle(Cannon, double) - Constructor for class frc.robot.commands.Angle
autonomousInit() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
This autonomous runs the autonomous command selected by your RobotContainer class.
autonomousPeriodic() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
This function is called periodically during autonomous.


B - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.OIConstants
BACK_LEFT - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.PortConstants
BACK_RIGHT - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.PortConstants


Cannon - Class in frc.robot.subsystems
The Subsystem class representing the cannon.
CANNON_PITCH_ZERO - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.RobotConstants
Constants - Class in frc.robot
The Constants class provides a convenient place for teams to hold robot-wide numerical or boolean constants.
Constants() - Constructor for class frc.robot.Constants
Constants.OIConstants - Class in frc.robot
Constants.PortConstants - Class in frc.robot
Constants.RobotConstants - Class in frc.robot


disabledInit() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
This function is called once each time the robot enters Disabled mode.
disabledPeriodic() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
DRIVE_GEAR_RATIO - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.RobotConstants
DriveTrain - Class in frc.robot.subsystems
DriveTrain() - Constructor for class frc.robot.subsystems.DriveTrain


ENCODER_TO_DEGREES - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.RobotConstants
end(boolean) - Method in class frc.robot.commands.Angle
end(boolean) - Method in class frc.robot.commands.Shoot
end(boolean) - Method in class frc.robot.commands.Turn
execute() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.Angle
execute() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.Shoot
execute() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.Turn


frc.robot - package frc.robot
frc.robot.commands - package frc.robot.commands
frc.robot.subsystems - package frc.robot.subsystems
FRONT_LEFT - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.PortConstants
FRONT_RIGHT - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.PortConstants


getAutonomousCommand() - Method in class frc.robot.RobotContainer
Use this to pass the autonomous command to the main Robot class.
getInstance() - Static method in class frc.robot.subsystems.Cannon
getInstance() - Static method in class frc.robot.subsystems.DriveTrain
getPitch() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.Cannon
Returns the vertical angle of the cannon.
getRightEncoder() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.DriveTrain
Gets the position of the mid-right motor.


initialize() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.Angle
initialize() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.Shoot
initialize() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.Turn
isFinished() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.Angle
isFinished() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.Shoot
isFinished() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.Turn


LB - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.OIConstants
limiter - Variable in class frc.robot.subsystems.DriveTrain
LT - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.OIConstants
LX - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.OIConstants
LY - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.OIConstants


m_bL - Variable in class frc.robot.subsystems.DriveTrain
m_bR - Variable in class frc.robot.subsystems.DriveTrain
m_driveTrain - Variable in class frc.robot.RobotContainer
m_fL - Variable in class frc.robot.subsystems.DriveTrain
m_fR - Variable in class frc.robot.subsystems.DriveTrain
m_mL - Variable in class frc.robot.subsystems.DriveTrain
m_mR - Variable in class frc.robot.subsystems.DriveTrain
m_pdp - Variable in class frc.robot.Robot
m_pM - Variable in class frc.robot.subsystems.Cannon
m_v1 - Variable in class frc.robot.subsystems.Cannon
m_v2 - Variable in class frc.robot.subsystems.Cannon
m_v3 - Variable in class frc.robot.subsystems.Cannon
main(String...) - Static method in class frc.robot.Main
Main initialization function.
Main - Class in frc.robot
Do NOT add any static variables to this class, or any initialization at all.
mainStickPort - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.OIConstants
MID_LEFT - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.PortConstants
MID_RIGHT - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.PortConstants
moveAngle(double) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.Cannon
Changes the vertical angle of the cannons based on a double.


OIConstants() - Constructor for class frc.robot.Constants.OIConstants
override - Variable in class frc.robot.subsystems.Cannon


PCM - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.PortConstants
periodic() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.Cannon
Runs constantly, checks if the cannon related pressed down and runs the relevant functions; Checks cannon angle.
periodic() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.DriveTrain
Runs constantly, checks for the mid right motor
PITCH_MOTOR - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.PortConstants
PortConstants() - Constructor for class frc.robot.Constants.PortConstants
PULSE_DURATION - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.RobotConstants


RB - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.OIConstants
resetEncoder(double) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.Cannon
Sets the vertical angle of the cannons based on a double parameter.
Robot - Class in frc.robot
The VM is configured to automatically run this class, and to call the functions corresponding to each mode, as described in the TimedRobot documentation.
Robot() - Constructor for class frc.robot.Robot
RobotConstants() - Constructor for class frc.robot.Constants.RobotConstants
RobotContainer - Class in frc.robot
This class is where the bulk of the robot should be declared.
RobotContainer() - Constructor for class frc.robot.RobotContainer
The container for the robot.
robotInit() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
This function is run when the robot is first started up and should be used for any initialization code.
robotPeriodic() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
This function is called every robot packet, no matter the mode.
RT - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.OIConstants
RX - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.OIConstants
RY - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.OIConstants


setPitch() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.Cannon
Runs when the robot starts to set setpoint to the current angle; This prevents the robot from attempting to return to the angle it was set to before it was turned off.
setValves(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.Cannon
Actuate valves based on boolean input
shoot(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.Cannon
Shoots the cannons based on the boolean parameters.
shoot(int) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.Cannon
Manual Override: Shoots one cannon or all, based on an integer; Shoots all on -1.
Shoot - Class in frc.robot.commands
Shoot(Cannon, double) - Constructor for class frc.robot.commands.Shoot
START - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.OIConstants


tankDrive(double, double, double) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.DriveTrain
Takes in three doubles: whether the robot is going forward or backward, the turning rate and direction, and the speed.
teleopInit() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
teleopPeriodic() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
This function is called periodically during operator control.
testInit() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
testPeriodic() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
This function is called periodically during test mode.
Turn - Class in frc.robot.commands
Turn(DriveTrain, double) - Constructor for class frc.robot.commands.Turn


VALVE_1 - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.PortConstants
VALVE_2 - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.PortConstants
VALVE_3 - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.PortConstants


WHEEL_BASE_WIDTH - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.RobotConstants
WHEEL_DIAMETER - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.RobotConstants


X - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.OIConstants


Y - Static variable in class frc.robot.Constants.OIConstants
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values